Your secret ingredient
The intuition talents that I use in therapy are like that special seasoning you add to your favorite dish. It is that secret spice that makes the food totally delicious.
When we add an intuitive perspective to therapy, tricky problems can suddenly make sense. Brand new ideas can pop in. Complicated issues can suddenly seem clear, obvious, and even easy.
If it was good enough for Albert Einstein, it’s good enough for us!
Einstein was great at self-inducing deep, trance-like, hypnogogic states. The hypnogogic state is that transitional stage between sleep and wake. In that state, it becomes easy to tap into your intuition.
Why did Einstein do this?? He was way too smart to waste time figuring things out.
Instead of wracking his brain, Einstein would open up his mind and receive his discoveries intuitively.
So many highly successful people use intuition to help them achieve great things.
Many artists receive their creative genius in a similar manner.
Intuition is a type of insight, idea, knowledge. However, it is not based on logic or conscious thinking. I receive my intuitive information in many different ways.
Let’s do it like Einstein!
Intuition is a great tool to trigger ah-ha moments!
To overcome your conscious and unconscious roadblocks, sure, we will use lots of highly effective clinical skills. But like Einstein, we can go beyond even the unconscious for even better results!!
As we work together, I will expertly mix in intuitive tools, and this is how complex situations can become obviously clear; relationships will suddenly make more sense; you will know something you didn’t realize you needed to know; you will get unblocked.
With Intuition, it’s like therapy goes from 2d to 3D.
It isn’t mind reading!
I am never reading your mind or doing anything scary. In fact, my intuition talent is used only to provide helpful, healing information. I never predict anyone’s future.
If I were using intuition to predict winning lottery numbers, I would probably be lying on a beach in Hawaii right now!!
Add a new ingredient to an old therapy recipe?
Contact me today at (732) 557-0354 to discover how intuition can transform your therapy sessions.